My offering is that I am here for you. A trusted space for you to explore, navigate, observe, and author the life you desire.

Be a dreamer and an explorer that's willing to take action and move.

Dreams and goals without commitment, movement or action is just a fantasy. I don't work in fantasy. The aim is to bring forth a particular aliveness that ignites a resolve or authentic belongingness with self and others. -Jim Davis


What Questions Brought You Here?


As a coach, I love questions. My job is about using questions as instruments to evoke reflection and observation. In looking at the word, "question", a question is the beginning of a quest. Quest. I. On.


What quest are you on?

  • Is this all there is to life?

  • How can I create the career I desire?

  • How can I create the relationships I desire?

  • What is in my way?

  • How do I build a life of joy, satisfaction, peace, freedom, love, and belonging?


Perhaps your question isn't mentioned. Let's talk, explore, and live into your question.

Coaching with Effective Distinctions.



Who do you want to be and become?


What kind of life participant are you for yourself? Your Family? Your community? What is your view of the world?


What kind of observer am I? What shapes my life?

Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.